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AEW Dynamite Results for July 7, 2021


Tonight’s special Road Rager show was held live in Miami, FL at the James L. Knight Center!

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

South Beach Strap Match!

“The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes (with “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson) vs. QT Marshall (with The Factory’s Aaron Solow & Nick Comoroto)!

Cody Rhodes has won six of his past seven matches.

The first man to touch all four corners of the ring consecutively wins the match.

Dan Lambert from American Top Team was in the front row watching, alongside UFC Bantamweight and Featherweight Champion Amanda Nunes and UFC Star Jorge Masvidal.

Cody didn’t waste any time and jumped onto QT with a tope suicida! Ref Paul Turner connected the strap to both men and the bell rang to start the match. Cody powerslammed QT Marshall!

QT Marshall attempted a moonsault, but Cody countered by whipping QT right in the abdomen. Aaron Solow took advantage of the no DQ aspect of this match and hit Cody with some offense. Dustin Rhodes ran down to even up the odds. Dustin began to brawl with Aaron Solow, and they fought up the arena steps, away from the ring.

QT German suplexed Cody right on the back of his head and shoulders. QT tried to use the strap to pull Cody headfirst into the steel ring post, but Cody countered it. QT’s forehead was busted wide open in the process!

“This is a must-win for QT Marshall,” said Jim Ross.

“This would certainly be QT’s biggest career win,” replied Excalibur.

The two competitors fought on the top turnbuckle. QT countered a hurracanrana from Cody with a top rope powerbomb! QT smacked the first turnbuckle…and then a second corner turnbuckle. Cody, on spaghetti legs, tried to stop QT’s progress. QT wrapped up Cody with the strap and connected with a diamond cutter on Cody Rhodes! Ref Paul Turner waved off QT’s progress before QT was able to finish the match by touching the fourth and final corner turnbuckle.

Cody fired back with a pump kick and then leg scissors. He began to whip QT Marshall like a government mule! Cody connected with a springboard “Cody Cutter” on QT in the center of the ring! QT spit at Cody and Cody answered with a trifecta of Cross Rhodes! Cody proceeded to touch all four corners and won the strap match!

Shawn Spears was backstage smack talking Sammy Guevara. “The Spanish God’ heard enough and whacked Spears with a steel chair. The rivalry between The Pinnacle and Inner Circle is far from over!

Tony Schiavone was in the ring to interview AEW World Champion Kenny Omega (along with Don Callis)!

“Nobody in pro wrestling better than this man,” said Jim Ross about Omega.

Don Callis cut off Schiavone and told him to step away. Callis said it was time to give everyone in Miami a history lesson: “Kenny Omega defeated Jon Moxley, Rey Fenix, Jungle Boy, and we’ve won so many titles around the world, we’ve had to get an entourage just to transport the belts. But Kenny, I’ve realized we have a big problem. The problem is we’ve beaten everybody. There’s no one left for Kenny Omega to beat. And that presents a problem for Fight for the Fallen around the corner.”

The fans chanted “We want ‘Hangman!’”

Dark Order’s music hit. Evil Uno entered the ring and asked why Kenny Omega was ignoring the crowd and the #1 ranked wrestler in All Elite Wrestling—“Hangman” Adam Page.

Kenny Omega hit Evil Uno with a low blow. Dark Order ran down to help Evil Uno and The Good Brothers came out to assist Kenny Omega. “Hangman” Adam Page came out and cleaned house on The Good Brothers! Page and Omega had a stare down. Karl Anderson distracted Page long enough for Omega to grab his championship and retreat!

Earlier in the day, Jim Ross had a sit-down interview with “All Ego” Ethan Page and Darby Allin!

Jim Ross said he was disturbed by both men wanting to end the career of one another.

“My first year in wrestling was Ethan’s twelfth year, and Ethan couldn’t stand it that I made it to the same spot as him in just one year. And I made it to AEW before Ethan did, and he couldn’t stand that,” said Darby.

“I plucked you from obscurity. You’d still be living in your car if not for me. Thank you for not touching me. Next week in this Coffin Match, I’m going to take you out!”

“I don’t have a very peaceful, easy feeling about this match next week,” said Jim Ross.

“”Good, because you shouldn’t,” replied Ethan Page.

Six-Man Tag Match!

Inner Circle’s Jake Hager, Ortiz & Santana (with Konnan) vs. The Pinnacle’s Cash Wheeler, Dax Harwood, & Wardlow (with Tully Blanchard)!

Santana used a double leg to take down Harwood. He hit Harwood with the two snap suplexes and then a release German suplex! Ortiz tagged in and used a Northern Lights suplex on Harwood for a near fall.

“Mr. Mayhem” Wardlow tagged in and rammed Ortiz with shoulders in the corner. Harwood tagged back in, but Ortiz caught him with a back heel trip and then a Liger Bomb! Jake Hager tagged in and blasted Wheeler with a Hager Bomb!

“The Pinnacle and the Inner Circle are going to war!” said Excalibur.

Cash kicked Ortiz in the stomach but then The Pinnacle hit triple team offense on Cash! Finally FTR went to work on Ortiz with their refined tag team maneuvers. Ortiz countered with a brain buster on Harwood and then tagged Hager. Jake Hager was looking for the ankle lock on Cash Wheeler but Dax “the Ax” broke it up. Dax ate a big boot from Hager for his troubles. Hager allowed Wardlow to tag in.

“Big collision and neither man backing down,” said Schiavone.

Hager rolled through and tried for the ankle lock on Wardlow, but FTR pinned Hager after the Big Rig (thanks to Tully Blanchard’s distraction)!

Konnan came in and blasted Wardlow with the mad ball sock! Then Tully Blanchard clipped Konnan from behind with a chop block!

Next week: IWGP US Champion Jon Moxley defends his belt against “The Machine Gun” Karl Anderson!

Next it was time for the in-ring standoff between The Pinnacle’s MJF and Inner Circle’s Chris Jericho!

“You know me, MJF—I’m Chris Jericho. I’m not going to back down. I’ll accept any stipulation you put in front of me,” said Le Champion.

“I used to look up to you, Chris. I followed every part of your career. One of my favorite parts of your career was when you were at odds with Jon Moxley. Do you remember what you put him through in order to wrestle you? You made him wrestle every single member of the Inner Circle. I’m going to take what you did and make it better. You’ll have four opponents of my choosing, all with different stipulations. And the fifth stipulation, if you win the first four matches, which you won’t, is you’ll get the MJF rub one more time in a match against me. So are you going to sign on the dotted line or what, Chris?”

“If I can’t beat your stipulations, maybe I don’t belong in AEW. But I am going to beat you and ruin your life and that ain’t no mythology,” said Jericho.

“Where I come from, Chris, a deal is not done until both parties shake hands,” said MJF.

Jericho took MJF’s hand and then drilled him with the Judas Effect back elbow!

Tony Schiavone interviewed AEW Women’s World Champion Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. earlier in the day.

“My personal assistant Reba was forced to enter the ring last week and she was hurt. Tony Khan should feel terrible. All for what? So Vickie could bring you Andrade El Idolo. I almost died being powerbombed through a table by Nyla Rose. You are never getting this title back. I’m going to beat you in two weeks at Fyter Fest Night 2. I’m not just sending you to the back of the line; I’m sending you back to obscurity,” said Baker.

Andrade El Idolo (with Vickie Guerrero and his personal assistant) vs. Matt Sydal!

Andrade El Idolo was making his AEW in-ring debut!

“He’s a third-generation luchador,” noted Tony Schiavone.

Andrade El Idolo blasted Matt with a twisting brain buster! Andrade El Idolo transitioned from a moonsault press into a standing moonsault press onto Matt Sydal!

Sydal swept out the leg of Andrade El Idolo and then caught him with a roundhouse kick! Matt Sydal climbed to the top rope, but Andrade El Idolo ran and knocked him off, sending Sydal crashing to the arena floor. Andrade El Idolo picked up Sydal and dropped him hard across the ring apron!

Sydal rallied back with more roundhouse kicks to Andrade El Idolo and then a leaping knee strike! Andrade El Idolo decked Sydal and turned him inside out with a lariat! Andrade El Idolo trapped Sydal’s legs underneath the top turnbuckle and tried a double foot stop but Sydal escaped. Sydal hit Andrade El Idolo with meteora! Andrade El Idolo fought back with driving knees. He planted Sydal with El Idolo and then pinned him!

“No questions asked,” said Jim Ross.

“Very business-like of El Idolo,” added Excalibur.

Andrade El Idolo tried to set an example and send a message to the locker room but continuing to punish Matt Sydal after the match.

Announced for next week—Matt Hardy against Christian Cage!

Tony Schiavone interviewed “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson in the ring.

The lights turned out as Arn Anderson began to speak. The arena went black. Malakai Black appeared in the ring and dropped Arn with a roundhouse kick! Cody Rhodes ran to the ring and Malakai Black blasted Cody with a roundhouse kick too!

Mixed Tag Team Grudge Match!

“The Galaxy’s Greatest Alien” Kris Statlander & “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy vs. The Bunny & The Blade!

The Bunny tried to tag a swipe at Orange Cassidy, but he put his hands in his pockets. She quickly grew frustrated and tagged to The Blade. Cassidy attempted the Beach Break, but The Blade countered it. Cassidy came back with a Stun dog Millionaire.

The Bunny tagged in and nailed Kris with a knee lift. Kris rallied back with a powerslam to The Bunny. Statlander showed off her power with a delayed vertical suplex on The Bunny! The Blade grabbed Statlander’s boot from outside the ring, which allowed enough time for The Bunny to hit “The Galaxy’s Greatest Alien” from behind.

The Bunny German suplexed Statlander off the ropes. Orange Cassidy flew off the top rope and then hit the DDT on The Blade for a near fall! Kris Statlander splashed The Blade with Area 451! The Bunny slid brass knuckles to The Blade and he then KO’ed Orange with them. Statlander ran in and dropped The Bunny with the Big Bang Theory to score the victory!

Tony Schiavone tried to interview Dan Lambert from American Top Team, who was here tonight watching AEW with UFC Stars Amanda Nunes and Jorge Masvidal!

Lambert took the microphone and got in the ring. He said AEW sucks, and he’d rather watch Terry Funk, Dusty Rhodes and Eddie Graham from the days of Florida Championship Wrestling! He said Tony Khan invited him here tonight and Lambert should have trusted his own instincts. “The MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer came out and manhandled Lambert for disrespecting AEW and the AEW fans!

Time for our Main Event!!!

The AEW World Tag Team Championship at Stake in a Street Fight!

AEW World Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks—Matt & Nick Jackson (with Don Callis and Brandon Cutler) vs. “Mad King” Eddie Kingston & Penta El Zero Miedo!

“The Young Bucks have bought into their own hype,” said Excalibur.

Kingston and Penta El Zero Miedo brawled with The Bucks outside the ring. Kingston was wearing a Terry Funk T-shirt.

Back in the ring, Brandon Cutler tried to fend off Penta El Zero Miedo and Eddie Kingston with the cold freeze, but The Bucks ambushed them from behind. Kingston and Penta El Zero Miedo fought back with tremendous tandem offense.

“The challengers in control of the champions,” said Excalibur.

Penta El Zero Miedo and Eddie Kingston pulled out tables from underneath the ring. Nick Jackson powerbombed Kingston onto the table in the ring. Penta El Zero Miedo rocked Matt Jackson with a Destroyer on the table outside the ring!

Nick Jackson flattened a trashcan on Kingston with a senton atomico! Penta El Zero Miedo snuck in with a sling blade on Nick Jackson and then one on Matt Jackson! Matt countered a DDT from Penta El Zero Miedo with a Northern Lights Suplex! The Bucks double-teamed Eddie Kingston.

“Kingston is tougher than a two-dollar steak,” said Jim Ross.

Eddie Kingston fought out of the corner with a half and half on Matt Jackson. Kingston locked in a rear naked choke. Nick Jackson smacked ref Rick Knox with a 450 splash! The Good Brothers took advantage of the opportunity and double-teamed Kingston.

Brandon Cutler tried to interfere but “The Elite Hunter” Frankie Kazarian powerbombed him through a table on the outside. Penta El Zero Miedo used the Fear Factor and Kingston covered Matt Jackson for a near fall. Kazarian was taken out by a Magic Killer from Gallows and Anderson!

Eddie Kingston opened a bag of thumbtacks and spilled them onto the mat. Penta El Zero Miedo walloped Matt Jackson with a trashcan! Nick Jackson and Penta El Zero Miedo battled on the top turnbuckle! Nick Jackson brought down Penta El Zero Miedo with a hurracanrana onto the thumb tacks! The Bucks superkicked Kingston! Nick Jackson stuffed thumbtacks into Kingston’s mouth and then Matt superkicked Kingston. Matt Jackson pinned Kingston to retain the titles!

“A legendary victory for a legendary team,” said Don Callis.

Be sure to tune in next Wednesday to DYNAMITE and Night 1 of AEW Fyter Fest, live on TNT (8pm ET/7pm CT) from Cedar Park, TX!


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